A Letter to myself

Picture Credits: Paydayloansonline

Picture Credits: Paydayloansonline

Dear 24 year old me,

First of all, a very Happy  Birthday to you! I know your birthday was yesterday, but people are still celebrating it in some parts of the world. So, Happy Birthday. Now that you are about to start a whole new year, I would like to part some knowledge to you.

Make memories.
Say Yes. Take chances. Act weird. Do random shit. Make memories. There should be a whole set of new stories to narrate!

Love the people back.
There would always be people who will love you no matter what. Love them back. Don’t take their love for granted because sometimes that’s all you got.

Seize opportunities.
Don’t just lay back and look at the ceiling. Spot an opportunity, grab it, sit on it and never let it go. It’s quite possible you might regret it but it’s always better to regret it than never experience it at all!

Take selfies.
While you make those memories, take selfies. Let people judge you. Alone selfies, selfies with friends, selfies with building, be creative! The entire world is your stage, pose with every goddamn thing!

You are deeper than your clothes.
People will judge. They will always do and you are not what you wear! You are much much deeper than that. Find yourself. Stick to it.

Remember your old friends.
They are still a part of your amazing stories. Remember them.

Make new friends.
Get new stories.

Get drunk.
It’s fine to get sloshed once in a while! Get drunk.

Not just sound, music and words. Listen what’s inside you. The wordless speech. They call it a gut feeling for a reason.

Comfort zone.
Well, get out of it! Feels crazy? Do it!

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Keep this in the active spot of your head.

That curve sets everything straight! Smile more often. Let this one contagious thing spread.

Call home.
They wait for it impatiently, you know that. Call them more often.

Go around the world. Get as many Emigration stamps you can get. Everybody needs a blue sky holiday, so do you. Choose different destinations.

I hope this year be a one awesome year of awesomeness! Happy New Year 🙂

Lots of Love,
23 year old me

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